Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spring is Finally Here @Solsticepublish

The sun is out.  The birds are singing and I am back at blogging.  Things could not be better.  Today I want to talk about Spring.  It seemed for a while like it was never going to arrive in the Midwest United States.  As I look out my window I see the neighbor’s trees blossoming.  (No, I still do not have a tree.)  The grass is growing and that ugly yellow color it had while dormant is gone.  The temperatures have been reaching the 70s.  That’s right about perfect for me as far as heat goes.  I have never been a fan of extreme heat or cold.  If I can walk outside in shorts and not be sweating or freezing, that is just right.  My wife prefers the sauna effect.  That’s really not for me.  If I break a sweat looking out the window, it’s too hot.  I find the changing of the seasons to be quite psychological.  For starters, if it is 60 degrees in the spring everyone is wearing shorts.  If it is 60 degrees in the fall, everyone is wearing long pants and jackets.  Strange, isn’t it?  The temperature is no different but people’s perception of it is drastically dissimilar.  Look at the first significant snowfall of the year.  People are driving into ditches and having accidents.  By January, the same amount of snow falls and there is little trouble.  In the summer we have the first really hot day and everyone stays indoors.  After a month of weather like that we go on about our business.  A good deal of the issues with weather is simply based on your recent history.  Change in weather brings about change in actions.  Right now is perfect.  Everyone is working in their yards.  The insects are not yet in full attack mode.  Even the rainy days are seen as speed bumps on the road of blissful weather.  This is a short but magical time every year.  Plants are coming to life and people are generally in a good mood.  Soak it in while it lasts.  Soon summer will be here and all we will have are memories of these perfect spring days.  

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