Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Going It Alone

For those who missed my blog appearance a couple of weeks ago, here was the piece I wrote.

Going It Alone


Let me tell you a story.  A young man (ok a teenager) came up with this idea for a short story.  As he worked out the details the story became longer and longer until it turned into a novella.  But the story was not finished.  Every idea like a snowball rolling down a mountain side just grew and added more to the storyline.  At last the young man looked down and saw he had a novel he could write with the potential of others to follow.  In the weeks that followed he carefully crafted the first chapter and presented it to his father, an editor by trade, for review.  The next morning over breakfast the Young Man asked his father what he thought of the first draft of the chapter.  His father sat down his coffee, slammed his fist on the table and proceeded to tear the papers in half and then into quarters.  When he was done he dropped the papers on the ground and left for work.  Heartbroken the boy fell to the ground and picked up the pieces and held them to his chest.  Being late for school he hid the papers in his room and ran out the door.  As he briskly walked to school he realized, My ideas are good but my writing isn’t good enough yet.  I must fix that.  He paid more attention in English class as they studied the great writers of the past.   But where he really excelled was in creative writing.  After working through some grammatical problems his stories were always top of the class.  In fact one was so good it was entered and won an Ontario Provincial Contest.  His success mounted in high school as he was asked to write numerous school plays.  Never, in all that time did he tell anyone outside his family about his books.  He had already finished the first one and was working on the second.  Then college came and there was little time for working on books.  So he thought about a different part of the series every night before bed.  He told one friend about them and let her read a few chapters.  She was astounded and said it should be published.  He was unprepared for ridicule again and refused to try.  After graduation he married his college sweetheart who had no interest in the books as long as it wasn’t an inconvenience.  They had 3 children together and finally bought a computer.  He began transferring his books onto it and printing copies for his one supporter to keep safe.  Through all the years, his mother loved to hear the stories over and over.  She said he had a “Gift.”  Little did he know when he gave her the chapters that she was loaning them out to her friends.  He built up quite a following as it turns out as the ladies bickered over who received a chapter next.  It was years later he found that out.  Many years came and went and his parents came to visit from far away.  She asked to go for a drive.  That was always a fun thing for the two of them to do.  As they drove she informed him that she had terminal cancer and that she would not be visiting again or be around much longer.  She said she wanted one favor from him.  He said to name it and she said, “Publish your books.”  When she got home she went straight into hospice and died a couple weeks later. 

                As you may have guessed, the main character of this story is me.  The time to go it alone was over.  I made a promise I would keep.  It took time but I found an agent who found me a publisher.  I now have 4 books in print with more to come as time permits.

                Going it alone is very dangerous.  It is hard to grow as a writer without constructive feedback.  It may be harsh but break it down to information you can use.  Going it alone also means that no one else sees your work.  Trust me, there is no better feeling than when someone comes up and says they loved your book.  Deep down you wrote it to be read.  It wants to be read.  Polish it up and find a publisher.  Do your homework and surround yourself with good people.  Don’t wait for the horrible wake-up call I did before acting.  What’s the worst that can happen?  You’re right back where you are, but you tried.




Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Black Holiday

Ah, Thanksgiving!  A day to relax or cook but either way, end the day enjoying your family.  It is a uniquely American holiday copied by the Canadians.  Then the sales started.  They were subtle when I was growing up.  There would be ads and sales.  There wasn’t much hype.  Then came Black Friday.  Suddenly every retailer was trying to outdo their competition.  There was nothing subtle about it.  We were bombarded with ads in the paper and on TV.  Soon the whole weekend was engulfed in the frenzy.  Enter the internet.  Shopping on line had grown as a percentage of sales every year.  Why?  Instead of running from store to store where something may be in stock and searching for it, you can sit in your pajamas and do your shopping with free shipping.  That meant there had to be a day for this.  Enter Cyber Monday.  Some companies have extended their sale to Tuesday in case you were busy.   Then the war started over who would open first for Black Friday.  It started in the morning around 5 or 6.  Then it moved back to midnight.  Finally Thanksgiving was desecrated.  Kmart was open all day.  Walmart and a host of others start their sale around 6 pm.  It was shameful.  People couldn’t have one day to spend with their families.  But there is a glimmer of morality in this money crazed holiday.  Some stores refused to open on Thanksgiving,; instead they cared enough about their employees to let them have the intended day of rest and time with their families.  One would hope that it would spur others to follow suit but I believe these other stores will stay open until sales dip to an unprofitable level.  So if you get drawn in by sales on Thanksgiving, DON”T GO.  There will still be fantastic deals the next day.  Let’s try to restore Thanksgiving to a holiday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday Excerpt, "Repercussions"

“I am more than a little disappointed by Linvin’s failure. I have a good deal of pent up rage in my heart with only your sad sack of bones to release it upon. As a man of my word, I will kill you, but first let me introduce you to some people most interested to meet you.” Citizens from the gallery came forward with clubs, chains, and staffs. “My people want to convey their feelings about you burning half the capital along with their homes on your last visit.”

The people set upon Anvar so quickly that all the old elf could do was hide his face. His robe was shredded by the chains and the clubs repeatedly pounded his back and legs. Those holding staffs went for the head. Soon both Anvar’s ears were bleeding and the back of his head had been severely bloodied. A kick in the side knocked him on his back and his face became the primary target.

Necromancer stood silently and looked at his master with disgust. This was done in private because there was no honor in killing an old man in chains, but Mandrean loved the action. Necromancer, in truth, was a colder soul than his master, but he believed in giving his worthy opponents their due. Anvar had been worthy of respect as an adversary. He remembered Anvar’s last plea in his cell.

“Master?” asked Necromancer. “How did you plan to finish Greenlith?”

“Once the beating has him near death, I will use the Blue Sapphire to slice pieces off him while he is alive until his body surrenders.”

“That is a fine plan, but it does not let Greenlith suffer long enough. May I suggest you send him, with these wounds, to be one of the Forgotten Ones on the bottom floor of the prison? There without food, water, or light he will be slowly devoured by the giant rats roaming the level. Let him feel his life slip away over the days. It is much more suiting, don’t you think?”

Mandrean considered the plan. “I do want him to suffer as I have. If I do as you suggest, though, I will not have the pleasure of killing him for myself.”

“Come, My Lord, such an insignificant murder is beneath you and the great power you possess. He is not worthy of your effort.”

Mandrean saw that Anvar had stopped moving and ordered the people to relent in their assault. He stood and walked over to the limp body of Anvar. It was completely covered in blood. After watching for a few moments, he saw signs of respiration. “Don’t you die on me yet, Old Elf. I have a new cell for you. This time there will be no tea or guests. Guards. Remove him to the D Floor of the prison. Pay no attention to his cries or begging. He will become one of the Forgotten Ones and be denied all aid from this day forward. Now be off with him.”

As Anvar’s bloody carcass was carried away, Necromancer watched and thought, Anvar Greenlith, you are either the wisest man in Lavacia or the most foolish. Time will tell.

It took four goblin guards to carry Anvar’s nearly lifeless body from the throne room back to the prison. Upon entering, they started down the spiral staircase along the walls of the great roundhouse. They passed the Room of Horrors where Linvin had vanquished Hugon and saved Miri just a few years before. The next level down was a place where dead prisoners were kept until they were disposed of in the night when fewer eyes were watching. Below that was a storage room for the prison and the stairs came to an end at a narrow hallway. It was lit by lanterns and led to a massive oaken door with cell bars on a small window near its top.

In spite of their iron constitutions, the goblins covered their noses with rags as they opened the door. The smell of death, excrement, and decay was overpowering. With a heave, they threw Anvar into the room and shut the door.

Coming out of his stupor, Anvar tried to take stock of his surroundings in the midst of the menacing pain he was feeling. He lay in the spot on the floor where the lantern light shone in. As his eyes adjusted he saw forms the size of a dog race across the room. He was almost fortunate to have his nose broken and bloodied as he was unable to smell any of the foul odors about.

Anvar wiped the blood still flowing from his head with the sleeve of his robe. You really outdid yourself with this plan, Anvar. After being beaten nearly to death you get yourself thrown in here. Oh Linvin, my boy. I have played all my cards now. There are no more tricks left in my bag. I pray you come in time to save me.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Guest Post

I was privileged to write a guest post on the blog site, “Writing in the Modern Age.”  It was a chance for me to express my thoughts.  Many thanks to Marie Lavender for the opportunity.  Here is the link to the article:  Enjoy the read!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blog Appearance

The blog site Field of Bookish Dreams has hosted me and my most recent book, “Repercussions Abound.”  Check it out here,

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Trouble With Healthcare

I grew up in Ontario, Canada though I was born in Port Huron, Michigan.  And though we had to wait hours to see the family doctor, and there was no prescription drug coverage, my parents never paid for my doctor visits or hospital care when I crushed my shoulder in a biking accident.  Not one dollar was charged to them and it was a major surgery.  So I didn’t have to wait until the bones had settled in a deformed way they had me show up at the emergency room the one morning in the month the shoulder surgeon had to make rounds in the ER.  He saw me on a consultation and whisked me off to surgery.  Otherwise I would have looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame for the rest of my life.  Obviously it is a flawed system but my poor parents and I received no bill for world class care.  Fast forward to today.  My poor wife was in an auto accident and broke her foot.  It’s $60 every time we breath the save air as the doctor.  Then she needs two surgeries.  One will be next week (So I might not blog) on Tuesday and one a few months down the road.  So I have to pay one large deductible before insurance kicks in for part this year and then it resets in January so I pay it all again next year.  It’s ridiculous.  How are ordinary families supposed to pay for accidents?  Then there will be physical therapy.  My poor wife.  But this system doesn’t work.  The Canadian one isn’t perfect either as years ago my father waited in intensive care for 4 MONTHS for a triple bypass in a Canadian hospital and nearly died on their waiting list.  Only by breaking the rules and letting a resident do the surgery did he pull through.  That’s not the answer either.  But there must be something in between.  Imagine having no insurance!  Something’s better than nothing but being in debt forever with insurance is no answer either.  This is not my problem to solve.  I’m just going to concentrate on my wife and her health.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Multi-Author Guest Blog

There was a multi-author blog of considerable size in which I was invited to participate.  The question posed to each of us was, “What does your writing process look like?” My answer is a little way down though the answers are in no particular order.  Some of the other authors had interesting points of view as well.  Please take a look at this piece of which I am honored to be a part.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Excerpt, "Repercussions"

Necromancer was the first to appear from the stairwell. He ordered the goblin guards to wait there. As the Court Magician hovered over to Anvar’s cell with his arms pulled into the sleeves of his white robe with scarlet trim, he lowered his head and sighed. “My Dear Chess Adversary. It would seem our games and conversations are at an end. As you have no doubt guessed, it frosted last night and there is no sign of Linvin.

“I am surprised by his inaction. I am rarely wrong about a person’s demeanor, but there is little in the Territory he could not handle and we know he entered the Territory some months ago. The only sound reason for his not being here by now is that he wanted you removed as an obstacle to his success. He was always a brilliant tactician, though I would never say it to his face, but I never would have guessed he would sacrifice you. Since childhood you are the closest thing he has known to a father. It is good we did not wager on this.

“I had hoped Linvin would show for the engagement for various reasons. Either Mandrean would be dead or I would have to remain his servant for the rest of his mortal life. It is such a pity your nephew’s good sense made him forget sentimentality and think of himself. With you out of the picture, he might come and give me what I want after all.”

Anvar stood directly across from him on his side of the cell. “Linvin might still show and fail. You said yourself that you doubted even Linvin could best Mandrean’s plan. If that happened, you would still be nothing but a servant.”

“I sense a proposition about to be made,” Necromancer remarked with skepticism. “You do remember I cannot disobey my bumbling master, Lord Mandrean.”

“That is not my intent. I am to be killed, but there is no saying how. Convince Mandrean to perform the act slowly. Give Linvin more time.”

Necromancer was taken aback by the offer. “You want me to convince Mandrean to slowly kill you? Surely you realize this will mean prolonged agony for you?”

“I know the ramifications.”

Necromancer nodded his head and the cell door opened. “Your faith in your nephew is misplaced. You are opening yourself up for torture with little chance of salvation. Perhaps you are too much of a martyr to suit me.”

“It is true that I believe in Linvin. As for being a martyr, it would mean I would have to die, and I have no intent on doing so.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Election Day Book

It’s Election Day and a day we should take pride in as Americans.  No matter what you think of the candidates, we are blessed to live in a country that lets us choose from such poor choices.  Many countries live under oppression and have no such freedoms to pick their leaders.  But back to our election.  The more it played out the more it seemed to me like this was a book written for the masses.  Think about it.  You have the hot headed, ill tempered, harsh mouthed, woman bashing, Latino bashing guy who’s not playing with a full deck, over inflated ego candidate.  On the other side you have the slimy, hiding from the law, talking out both sides of her mouth, never giving a direct answer, should be wearing an orange jump suit, but has more money behind her than the Federal Reserve candidate.  Put them together and notice when one of them had something bad happen, the other one immediately had something bad happen.  It’s like a writer laid out the whole thing as a book and we are all just reading along.  In a way, maybe that’s true.  Maybe people are behind the scenes with this information and they are just waiting for the right time to release it?  Now that’s an intriguing theory.  These people have the damaging information and they release it when it will hurt the most or make their candidate look best.  As a writer that’s exactly how I would lay out the story.  It would be like two giant battleships slugging it out.  Every blow would grip the reader more and more.  Think I’m crazy?  I bet there’s at least one person behind the scene pulling strings in this election, like in a book.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

5 Star Review

Yesterday I received my first review on of “Repercussions Abound.”  It was five stars which initially made me very happy but then the reader gave their reasons.  They said “Goodie Two Shoes” Linvin finally showed some cracks in his personality.  It was also noted that this book was written and edited better than the past ones.  Remember, these are my babies out there.  I have seen a problem either missed or created by editing in the past but they were few and far between.  I hardly think they had serious problems.  The weirdest part of all is that all of this was meant as a compliment.  In the end I think more people will look at the 5 gold stars rather than what was written.

On to Halloween.  I don’t know how many years in a row it has been but it has been a long time since we ran out of candy.   The reason for this is because I always buy too much candy.  I hand out a ton of it and the bowl seems to spontaneously regenerate with candy.  No matter how many trick-or-treaters we get, we are always left with a giant bowl of candy.  We have gotten smarter.  At least we now buy candy we like to eat.  It makes it tolerable.  This year I had two (2) different kids say, “Hey, can I have the rest of your bowl of candy?”  After telling them no they each wanted to know why.  I told them I had to save some for the other children.  Then I gave them each one piece of candy instead of the 3 I usually gave out and sent them on their way.  Can you believe the nerve of those kids?  That is the future of our society.  Let’s hope they’re just a couple of bad apples and the rest of the bunch was fine.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday Excerpt, "Repercussions Abound"

That same morning, Anvar awoke in his cell and felt decidedly colder than normal. He was short and frail, even as elves went, with silver-grey hair on his head and beard. His clothing was a fine white linen robe gloriously accompanied by iron shackles connected by a chain on his wrists. They prevented him from having free use of his hands and using his orange magic.

He threw off the rag he used for a blanket and rushed to the wall of his cell. There was a small barred window at the top of the wall too high for him to reach. Anvar stood on the edge of his bed as he had done on every cold morning and reached out to the window. This time was different than the others as his fingers felt the icy, wet sensation of frost on the bars which proceeded to melt against his skin. Anvar stepped down and looked at his hand in disbelief.

Linvin had months to arrive here and yet here we are. How could he forsake me? We have been so close for so many years. Did I mean so little to him that he would not come for me? No…No…No…That surely cannot be why. Something must have happened to him. Perhaps he was sleeping one night and a thief snuck into his camp and killed him. Maybe he was overcome by superior forces on the journey here. Mandrean might have already killed Linvin. That can’t be it. The whole point of this is to create a spectacle for the world to see so everyone knows he is better than Linvin. A quiet victory defeats the purpose of all this. Mandrean would have also used me as a bargaining chip in an altercation and clearly that has not happened. No, Mandrean has not seen him. So where is he?

Anvar sat on the edge of the bed with despair tugging at his elbow. Think of the situation like a general. If Linvin were to attack Mandrean, I would be used as a shield to prevent his action. Then my hostage status would be used to force him to capitulate. If all emotion were removed from the equation and it was looked at from a military point of view, Linvin would be better off to let them kill me first and then seek his revenge for my fall once their bargaining chip was gone. Then he could kill Mandrean and end their vendetta against him. It is logical. He is a great general. Such a plan has undoubtedly come to him. The question is whether my nephew would do such a thing to me. It seems either he would or he is dead. There was a sound of soldiers on the stairs. Either way, Mr. Greenlith, your time is up.