Wednesday, May 9, 2018

This and That

I’ve been working hard on my 5th book as of late.  I’m at a point where everything is detailed and I have to be sure I write them in the correct order.  It is time consuming but more of a stress on the brain. As a result, I can only write in short bursts or else the story meanders.  It’s very taxing on me but that’s the way I planned it.  Funny how books seem so simple when you think them up and are so much more difficult when you write them out.  This is a nice retreat to talk to you fine folks.  Thank you for reading.  I’m still waiting on the edits from the republish of book 3.  I always take them so personally.  It’s hard to not take the edits that way.  You say, “she is just rejecting the way you write.  She’s not rejecting you as a person.”  It is logical.  I have told myself that many times.  So far it hasn’t worked yet.  It’s like a dog having its teeth dug into your leg.  Meanwhile the owner is saying, “He’s just doing it because he doesn’t know you.”  That is all true and again, logical.  Nevertheless, my leg feels like a chew toy.  But the edits aren’t here yet, so as Scarlet O’hara would say, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.”  Now it is time to get back to the detailed work on book 5.  Until next time, watch out for unfriendly dogs.

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