Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Today I’d like to talk about a key character in the first two books of the Sapphire Chronicles series.  His name is Anvar Greenlith and is the polar opposite from his nephew Linvin, the protagonist.  They are both well-intentioned but their methods are very different.  Linvin likes to jump into situations quickly and take action.   Anvar likes to sit back and take in the situation for a moment as he contemplates any course of action.  He is a thinker and sees violence as only a last recourse.  Linvin is thin skinned.  Insults can get him riled into not thinking clearly.  Anvar is short and unathletic, even as elves go.  He has endured a lifetime of taunts and insults.  His skin is thick and he will almost never lose his composure over such things.  Anvar has a secret he keeps for a long time.  He is an Orange Magician.  It means he can channel magic from nature through his body and release it through his hands at his command.  This magic can take any form as long as it is orange.  He could use it to lift a log or instantly cut down a tree, create a sudden gale force wind to blow away opponents, launch a plume of fire to incinerate his foes or even just send a blast at his opponent that kills him instantly.  As amazing as these powers are, they come with limitations.  Channeling magic is very taxing on the body.  The more spectacular the display of Orange Magic, the more it tires his body much as running for different distances would do.   As he rests he regains his strength and thereby his magic.  His magic also heals him at a great rate.  Unfortunately, Anvar is old and he is no longer able to channel the magic he once could.  He cannot lead a party.  Instead he can only help Linvin and give him words of guidance.  He is hard on Linvin only because he knows what he is capable of being.  Anvar is a fun character to write and read.

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