Tuesday, April 12, 2016

"Crucible" Synopsis

Today we look at the second book in the Sapphire Chronicles, “The Sapphire Crucible.”  When “Quest for the Red Sapphire” left off, Linvin, his uncle Anvar and his cousins Bander and Rander were overcome by swamp gas with Mandrean goblins bearing down on them.  “Crucible” begins with the four in a prison wagon headed for the capitol of Marinhalk.  Once there they are imprisoned.  The question becomes whose prisoners they are.  Do they belong to the twisted, maniacal Emperor, Lord Mandrean or to his evil court magician simply called Necromancer.  While imprisoned they become acquainted with the prisoner in the next cell.  She is Princess Mirianna from Romadon.  At last the two are separated.  Linvin and his party are taken to see Lord Mandrean while Mirianna will be sent for her final and fatal torture.  Much is disclosed in the throne room and Linvin finds a clever way to escape.  I won’t spoil it for you but Linvin and his family get away and save Mirianna.  They flee south.  Along the way Linvin finds the Red Sapphire and must master its powers quickly.  But there is a secret Linvin did not know before.  There is a Blue Sapphire with all the power of the Red one which chooses Mandrean as its master.  Now the hunt is on with Mandrean and his legions desperately looking for Linvin’s group.  Along the way Linvin and Mirianna fall in love but must hide their feelings.  There are fights and hiding but it all builds to a climactic scene in which a great deal of blood will be shed.  After searching so long, will the Red Sapphire be of any help against the Blue Sapphire?  Will his cousins finally prove their worth?  Will the plans of Mandrean or Necromancer bear fruit?  What role will Mirianna play?   Linvin’s party will face impossible odds and even his training as a general may not see them though this.  

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