Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I Still Have My Land Line

I feel old.  I am the only person I know who still has a land line.  Mind you, we have cell phones that we use frequently.  As it turns out, the bundle I have with my cable provider makes it cheaper to have a land line then to get rid of it.  I rarely use this phone.  It seems to be basically a telemarketer magnet.  I just deleted 8 telemarketer calls.  I don’t even try to answer the phone when it rings.  It is my opinion that the cable companies purposely make the price prohibitive to discontinue the land line.  They could make it cheaper if they wanted to but they don’t.  Why do these companies want us to have land lines so badly?  Are they selling the phone numbers to telemarketers?  Whatever it is, I seem to be the only person who kept their phone.  Other than coming in handy when my cell phone isn’t working, it’s pretty much a waste.  So here I sit with my land line; feeling alone in the crowd.  Man; I am old.

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