Wednesday, March 14, 2018


It’s tax time again.  A time of joy for some. A time of sorrow for others.  I fall into the category of having to pay the state government; not a lot but I still hate paying. Either you get a refund by giving the government an interest free loan for a year, or you pay at the end.  Then there’s property tax.  That shot up over 30 percent this year.  Ouch!  And how about your car.  On top of usual taxes here in Nebraska we have a Wheel Tax. You pay a tax for every pair of wheels you put on the road.  So for a car you would pay 2 taxes.  Then the schools which have a ridiculously inflated budge to begin with, dare to ask for a bond issue.  They scare the parents and it passes making my taxes go even higher.  The Catholic schools produce at least as good of an education on a much lower cost per student.  No matter.  In the end I still pay more taxes.  Then there are hidden taxes on products like gasoline, alcohol and cigarettes.  The saying in this state is “There isn’t a tax they don’t like.”  What’s next…an air tax.  If you don’t pay your bill every month they cut off your air supply.  (Ooh that might make a good book!)  Let’s face it.  No one likes taxes.  But it must be done.  Paying them is even part of the saying of the 2 things you must do in life.  Well, I’m waiting till the last minute to send that check in this year.  It will give me some satisfaction.


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