Black Friday used to be an event. Stores would open at 6 or 7 AM and people
would be lined up waiting to get that one special deal. Then the doors would open and chaos would
ensue. I’ve worked retail all my life
and watched it. Then K Mart started
opening on Thanksgiving and a new trend stared.
Other stores like Wal Mart began starting their sales at 6 PM on
Thanksgiving. Other stores
followed. Now I can’t look at my email
without a Pre-Black Friday Sale staring me in the face. Amazon even has Black Friday for a week
before the actual event. In it all the
magic of the event has been lost. It has
been exploited and degraded to just another shopping day. That doesn’t even take into account the added
stress on the retail associates. There’s
no going back now. Soon stores will be
open all day on Thanksgiving. Many of
them will close due to on line shopping.
I could see Sears and J.C. Penny closing their doors in the next 12 to
24 months. Best Buy will fall soon
after. Even Macy’s will tumble. Customers are shopping at the smaller
boutiques and on line. Internet
companies don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store so they can
charge less. Which brings us back to
Black Friday. The items the stores do
sell are loss leaders where products are sold at a loss to get you in the door
in hopes you’ll buy something else.
Lately I see most people leaving with just the loss leader. The stores can’t go on that way. In 5 years Black Friday will look very
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