Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Keep You Chin Up

I have a niece who is incredibly intelligent and skilled.  She can do anything on a TV or movie set behind the scenes or even behind the camera.  She has the right education and degree but unfortunately went to school up at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan.  It is a fine school in a fine city.  However, if you are looking for movie making or television broadcasting, there is little in the way of work.  That led her to Toronto in hopes of catching on in their robust film industry.  Why am I telling you this?  There are a lot of young authors out there who have felt like they were beating their heads against a wall in their attempts to become published.  I went through the same thing having my first book published.  It took a year and a half.  My niece doesn’t give up because she knows she has talent and only needs a chance.  That’s why I never gave up either.  And if you’re one of those frustrated writers out there, take heart.  Everyone gets turned down.  Just keep refining your work and take any constructive feedback as a way to improve yourself.  Mind you, don’t let one crack pot editor ruin your dreams.  If you know deep in your heart that it is good, there is a publisher out there who will too.  I still see indi-publishing as a last resort.  Some people swear by it while others swear at it.  All I can say is if you do it, do your homework first.  It’s a lot of work.  In the end, keep your chin up and if you can get an agent it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

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