Finding time to write is one of those nearly impossible
things you plan to do but never seem to get the chance. It’s like the way you promise yourself you’ll
take a nap in the afternoon and that never happens either. There is always a task to do or an errand to
run. Someone drops in unexpectedly or
you get tied up paying the bills. There
are a million time eaters out there waiting to snatch those precious minutes
from you day. (Right now I have a dog in my lap feeling neglected.) Just finding time to write this blog took the
better part of the day. When you shut
everything else out and concentrate just on writing, the words just flow onto
the page. Then I’m in my happy
place. I remember why I wanted to be a
writer in the first place. There is an unparalleled
joy in putting words to paper (or in this case, a computer screen). There is no other feeling like it. When I get cranky I know I haven’t written
for a while. The process isn’t as simple
as sitting down and writing. You have to
have something to say first. Then you
take it like a piece of clay in your mind and mold it into something you can
use. Only then can you even consider
approaching the computer. Some writers
do their best work off the top of their head.
Truth be known, I wish I was one of those people, but I’m not. I’m a calculated person and compulsive planner. Currently I am putting together documentation
for my fourth book. It’s the unglamorous
side of writing but publishers need it in order to understand all about your
book and make a cover. The one type of
writing that doesn’t thrill me is writing about what I’ve already written. You’ve already created it, written it,
rewritten it, edited it and done a final proof.
Now you have to start telling people about what you’ve said. Later comes the editing and the
re-editing. Still, if you remember your
love of writing, nothing seems like too much work to achieve your goals.
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