More about Linvin’s background.
Mandrean scanned the crowd. “Will someone bring the Prisoners to their feet?” An Imperial Guard stepped over to Linvin’s party and gestured with his sword for them to stand. Having no choice in the matter, the elves complied. Rander was speechless at what he’d heard so far. Bander was totally confused. Anvar’s eyes began to form tears. Linvin, however, was enraged. Anger poured from his expressions like a cup already filled with more liquid being added. The fury caused his body to shake. Anvar held his hand to restrain his nephew. “My friends and guests,” Mandrean began. “I present to you Bander, Rander and Anvar Greenlith accompanied by Dirk’s son Linvin Grithinshield. “Linvin, step forward,” Mandrean ordered. Releasing his uncle’s hand, Linvin boldly walked into the middle of the map on the floor and harshly threw the nearby pawns out of the way. He stood with his hands on his hips and a furious expression on his face. The emperor observed him for a moment. “Hmmm. Somehow I thought you would appear more impressive. No matter.” Mandrean began reading aloud from the scroll. “An assassin was dispatched to Valia. When he arrived Linvin had already left. He did, however, learn a great deal about our distinguished guest. After studying with Sedemihcra for a number of years, Linvin joined the Valian Army. He served with distinction and advanced through the ranks at an unprecedented rate. The half-elf Sedemihcra called his Greatest Student Ever became Supreme Commander of the Combined Armies of Valia. “For years we had sent armaments to the Swamp Goblins in the Southern Marshes in hopes of destabilizing Valia. Despite all our efforts including training their warlords, the man you see before you checked us at every turn with meager resources. At one point the goblins even managed to lay siege to the capital, but Grithinshield dealt them a crushing blow with a minimal force at his command. In all he won over a dozen major battles and earned the honorary title ‘Defender of Valia’. After winning three startling victories to completely crush the largest invasion attempt to date, Grithinshield abandoned his men and resigned his commission.” Mandrean looked at Linvin in disgust. “You were at the peak of your power and you quit? It says here King Hardurian even offered to adopt you as a son and make you his heir. Even then you refused and asked to be discharged. For a man who is reported to be a genius on the battlefield, you certainly have no grasp of politics.” Linvin remained silent in his rage, not seeking to indulge the inferior man addressing his character. The twins gazed at Linvin in awe. They’d never fully realized the scope of his accomplishments. Mandrean continued. “By the way. It says here they just completed your statue when my man left Valia. It depicts you on horseback with a sword in one hand and pointing with the other as though you were giving orders. The statue is on a pedestal in the City Square. The whole thing sounds a little ostentatious for my taste but I suppose some people need their ego stroked more than others. Pity you will never see it.”
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