Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow and Zombies @Solsticepublish

Today is our first Snow Day of the year.  The kids are off from school.  The roads are nearly empty, and there are about 4 inches of snow on the ground.  Compared to other parts of the country, we have had a very light winter here in Nebraska.  It has been bitterly cold, make no mistake about that.  But this is the first serious snow we have seen all year.  Being from Michigan and having grown up in Canada I tend to laugh when the weather man starts to freak out before a single flake even forms.  Businesses close “Due to the expected bad weather”.  Really?  Just the thought of snow sends people into a panic.  I pictured two people fighting over the last gallon of milk at the grocery store last night.  It makes me laugh.  Don’t get me wrong.  4 inches of snow is no fun to drive around in but it isn’t like getting a foot of snow or sometimes two feet!  That was insane.  It was like the world was ending.  I spoke with my father the other day and he said the Detroit area of Michigan had already received 50 inches of snow this winter.  Before this storm we had received a total of 6 inches all year.  I can’t imagine being in Detroit right now.  They are bankrupt and cannot afford to send snow plows out.  According to my brother who lives in the area, the accidents have been out of control.  On a totally different viewpoint, have you ever seen “I am Legend” with Will Smith.  If you haven’t, he is the lone survivor in New York City after a zombie apocalypse.  He goes to great lengths to prevent the zombies from finding his home.  I always wondered what he does in the winter.  He drives and walks all over during the day.  When the snow builds up, wouldn’t the zombies be able to follow his tracks back to his brownstone and pay him a visit?  Also, the zombies were barely wearing any clothes.  Wouldn’t they die from exposure in a city with no heat in the winter?  Have you ever noticed in zombie movies that they never seem to dress warmly?  I mean they are zombies but you have to stay warm if you’re going to search for brains to eat.  Then again, maybe the half-dead nature of zombies makes them impervious to cold?  It doesn’t make much sense to me but then again neither does the notion of a zombie apocalypse.  Still, I think there is a better chance of that happening than having the roads plowed in Detroit.  It’s too bad about that city.  It was once a beautiful place.  Oh well, I’ll stay nice and warm here in Nebraska with my four inches of snow.  I noticed that I have a lot of readers in the Palo Alto region of California.  Hi to you all.  You probably are wondering about all this snow talk.  Just be thankful it is not a problem where you are.  Well, the kids have finally left their beds and want some attention so I will leave you for the day.  I still wonder about those zombies, though.

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