Sunday, January 26, 2014

Summing Things Up @Solsticepublish

Volume 2 in the Sapphire Chronicles, “Sapphire Crucible” is edging slowly toward being ready.  The editor has it but I need to write a prologue.   That doesn’t sound so difficult when you consider how many words I have written on this project.  It actually is a challenge for me.  Summing things up in few words has never been my style.  I much prefer to let my words flow and shake out every idea in my crazy mind.  My favorite band is Genesis and I remember an interview years ago with their keyboard player, Tony Banks.  He was asked why they had so many long songs rather than more radio-friendly short ones.  He explained that writing a short song is much harder than writing a long one.  That sounded ridiculous.  Surely writing something short is easier than writing something long.  He explained that writing a long song allows you to work your idea to completion.  Writing a short song only allows you to touch on highlights of the idea and therefore leaves you feeling incomplete.  Between the interviews I have been blessed with and the prologue for the next book, it has been hard to take a 490 page novel and sum it up in a few pages.  I have been storyboarding the order and keep having to edit out parts to shorten its length.  It’s a good thing I use this process or else I would end up writing the whole first book over again!  It really is hard to write in fewer words…at least for me.  I have talked to some writers who say the fewer words they have to write, the better.  That simply amazes me.  What kind of writer doesn’t like to write as much?  I can understand wanting to finish a project for closure.  The writing itself, however, is one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.   Perhaps it is seen as more of a job by others.  That would make sense.  If you view something as work it automatically takes on a less appealing stature.  My wife laughed when I told her about the prologue.  She told me, “Writing things in few words really isn’t you.”  She does know me best.  Nevertheless, if Genesis can write radio hits, I can write an effective prologue.  So those of you waiting for Book 2, be patient.  It will be coming.  If you haven’t read Book 1, give it a read.  Think of it as a long prologue.

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